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Community Contribution Target

What qualifies as Community Contribution time?

Community Contribution Target Time must justifiably generate benefit or value to the broader community in some material way, especially for those that are underserved or equity seeking.

Recordable Community Contribution Target Activities

The following are examples of activities which you can record towards your Community Contribution Time:

  • Volunteering your time for any charity or non-profit (e.g. volunteering at a community kitchen, selling raffles at a charity dinner, fostering dogs, etc.)
  • Writing policy or research papers in areas related to improving circumstances or outcomes for those experiencing socioeconomic inequity
  • Time spent as a board member for any non-profit or charity
  • Probono legal services should be recorded separately

Probono Legal Services

Probono services are to be recorded separately from any other community contribution time. Probono time means legal advice provided without remuneration of any kind, which includes:

  • Probono legal services
  • Legal clinics (for lawyers)
  • Preparing legal information materials for legal industry non-profits
  • Acting as a legal advocate for a non-profit

Probono time does not include a percentage of reduced rate services that is no charged, or billable work that is written off.

Non-Recordable Community Contribution Target Time

The following are examples of activities which you shouldn’t record as Community Contribution Time:

  • Client consultations, unless those consultations are probono consultations through an Access Pro Bono Society of BC or similar organization, or a probono summary advice service
  • Billable work irrespective of whether it is provided at a reduced rate
  • Practice administration time such as preparing bills, filing emails, organizing client matter folders
  • Practice management time like business development, file opening and closing, CPD and compliance matters
  • Accounting and tax matters like billing, accounts receivable or trust accounting matters
  • Other activities that aren’t either community contribution or probono time.