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Katłı̨̀ą (Catherine) Lafferty

articled student

who am I?

Katłı̨̀ą (Catherine) Lafferty is an articling student with an interest in Indigenous legal orders, charter rights, criminal law and intellectual property including entertainment law. Katłı̨̀ą is a member of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation in the Northwest Territories currently residing on Coast Salish Territory on Vancouver Island. She is an author of many published works including a novel on the northern housing system and one of the founding members of the National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Incorporated (NICHI).

Katłı̨̀ą is committed to continuing her work in the Indigenous rights, housing and homelessness spheres, and balancing her interest in writing with her new career in law advancing the rights, and supporting the works, of persons in need of housing and the organizations serving them.